Tuesday, March 1, 2016

God Be With You Til We Meet Again!

Brothers and Sisters! What a perfect week to has been! WOW! I can not
begin to convey my feelings of love and gratitude for the miracles we
have witnessed this week!

John was baptized on Saturday. There were over 50 people there, 10 of
which were his non-member friends that he invited. I LOVE John. Oh my
goodness. It brings tears to my eyes just to think about what a
miracle it has been to teach him. He was taught and baptized in 21
days. And has the most solid testimony of truth. Ever. His faith is
astounding. His role in the church and in bringing souls to Christ
will be HUGE. He is one of the most remarkable men I know and I will
forever cherish the time I had to teach him, and for the friendship
that has been kindled. The light he carries and the love of the Lord
that he radiates can not compare to anything or anyone else. I am so
so grateful.

We get to go to the temple tomorrow with 4 recent converts I have been
blessed to teach to be baptized for their deceased immediate family
members. What a sacred experience that will be and I am SO excited.
The ordinances of the temple are SO miraculous.

I was able to see an investigator, 3 recent converts, and tons of
members from Langley this week that came out to Ashburn for lunch and
who came to a new and returning member fireside last night. I am SO
grateful for those people who will be imprinted in my heart now and
forever. Their love and testimonies will forever be dear to me. I love
those people so so much.

At that same fireside, Peter who just got baptized in Leesburg spoke
and Laura who got baptized in January from Langley spoke. I couldn't
help but cry at the fact that God entrusted me with such sacred and
special people that I LOVE so deeply. At the end of the meeting, the
assistants asked sister Liu and I to come up and bear a departing
testimony. About 1/2-3/4 of the mission comes to this fireside
bringing less actives, recent converts, and investigators. It's such a
tender and special place to be. I stood up there and as I looked out
and saw so so so many people that I love - missionaries I've served
with, companions I've had, people I taught, members I love, and
leaders I cherish - I just wept. I wept for joy and gratitude that God
sent me to northern Virginia. I wept because of the love of the lord
in my heart that I just wanted to radiate to everyone in that
audience. And I wept with a broken heart that I will have to leave
this beautiful place this week.

I have no idea how this is real. It's been 18 months already and there
are no words to describe the depth of my gratitude for this sacred and
holy experience.

I don't have the words to tell you how much my mission means to me,
but I am certain that my mission has been the most life changing
experience of my mortal life. I have never seen so much change in
myself, in those I've taught, and in those I've been blessed to come
in contact with. God is at the head of this church. Christ is at the
core of all that we do and of who we are. And through His love and His
atonement we come to understand who we are and why we are here. I know
that through His love, we are able to stand as His witnesses at all
times and in all places. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet of God
and that he did translate the Book of Mormon through the power of God.
I know that the Book of Mormon is the convincing evidence of the
restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. That book will be the tool
used to gather Israel. There is more power and truth in that book than
in any other book.  I know that God is our is our loving Heavenly
Father.  He knows us perfectly, deeply, and everlastingly. In the
words of one of my favorite hymns "Fear not, I am with thee; oh be not
dismayed. For I am thy God and will still give thee aid... I'll never,
no never. I'll never, no never, I'll never, no never, no never
forsake." He will never fail us. He will never forsake us.  He is
forever. He is eternal. And nothing that we do will ever change that
love that He has for us.

I love the Lord. I love His work. I love His children.

And I love Northern Virginia. God Be With You 'Til We Meet Again

Keep it real and keep the faith

Sister Kennedy

 At the mission office for the last time

 With my favorite senior missionaries!

 John's baptism!

 With Coleman and Caitlin his main fellowshippers!

 With some Cambodian members we are reactivating!

 Lesson with Jake in Shenandoah :)

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